Permit to Work System Training
Course Overview
These days, in almost every sphere of work, health and safety management and environmental protection have taken priority among all aspects of management focus. Safety has been important from early times, but the kind of focus and steps in that direction have evolved over time. Permit to work systems refer to management systems used to ensure work is done efficiently and, most importantly, safely. These systems are predominant in hazardous industries because of the kind of operations and risks entailed. Permit to work systems consist of all processes and procedures to request, review, authorise, document and clarify tasks to be undertaken by frontline workers. They are an integral part of control of work and secure the business’ critical maintenance process. Control of work, overall, consists of permit to work, hazard id_pelatihanentification and risk assessment and isolation management. Permit to work adherence is extremely essential in process safety management. These formal systems state exactly what work is to be done, where and when. In many organisations, people doing the actual work are required to sign a permit to work document to confirm that they have understood all processes and guid_pelatihanelines of the system. Permits also serve as a means of communication between site workers and the organisation’s management. However, they should not be mistaken as a replacement for robust risk assessment, which should happen simultaneously. Having permit to work systems as part of organisational operations reduces the risks of losses or damage due to unsafe activities in a non-trivial work atmosphere. These systems ensure that the correct jobs are entrusted to appropriate individ_pelatihanuals and review or audit of conditions are also undertaken by experts or authorised personnel who have proven capabilities of undertaking the respective responsibilities. Permit to work systems also confirm that work is completed safely and the workplace is restored to its safe, original form for normal operations to commence.
Course Objectives
The main objective of this course is to empower professionals with—
- detailed information and knowledge about work permit systems
- the required understanding and experience to partake in ensuring safe and secure systems and practices in the organisation
- the adequate skill and confid_pelatihanence to undertake critical roles as personnel authorising or issuing work permits after checking all necessary aspects, thus contributing to career advancement and progression
- an understanding and awareness of universal practices and standards of safety used in certain industries, increasing scope and capability to work in any organisation and industry requiring this expertise and service
- the ability and experience to create safety policies and guid_pelatihanelines to safeguard life, property and the environment
- the potential to contribute to maintenance of standards of compliance
- the required capabilities and awareness to place guid_pelatihanelines, control measures and precautionary action to ensure extreme safety at the workplace and reduce risks or losses, in turn contributing to economic development of the organisation
Who should attend
- Members constituting the top management of an organisation who need to understand the importance of safety and the need to ensure permit to work systems are set up and running
- Investors and shareholders who would like to know the credibility and safety within an organisation before investing or taking investment-related decisions
- Policy makers responsible for framing safety policies in line with the requirements of a permit to work system
- Safety managers and other personnel working in the hazard-prone areas or sites who need to thoroughly understand requirements and guid_pelatihanelines of permit to work systems
- Internal and external auditors responsible for ensuring compliance to international standards and practices
- Human resource professionals and legal officers responsible for taking appropriate decisions and resultant action if safety is compromised at any level
- Any other professional who would like to know more about permit to work systems or who aim to progress to positions authorising or issuing work permits
Course Outline
Key Features of Work Permits
- Enforced by premise in-charge
- Issued by competent, authorised personnel
- Task-specific
- Independent of risk assessment
- For limited duration
- Non-transferrable
- State pre-commencement safety precautions
- Retained/Cancelled by authorising personnel
Areas/Work Activities Covered by a Permit
- Hot and roof works
- Confined spaces
- Pressure systems
- High voltage electrical work
- Lead and asbestos spaces
- Excavation or demolition work
- Work in isolated locations
- Work in proximity with explosives
Control Measures When Issuing Permits
- Physical audits and checks for roof and hot works
- Isolation through warnings
- Cancellation on operation completion
- Training of personnel
- Safety check before services resumed
Aspects Consid_pelatihanered Under Permit to Work Systems
- Human factors
- Work permit system management
- Skill of workforce
- Conscious/unconscious incompetence
- System objectives
- Type of permit required
- Content of permit
Contents of a Permit to Work Form
- Description of work, personnel and equipment involved
- Precautions to be taken during operations
- Other work groups to be informed
- Authorisation for work to commence
- Duration of permit valid_pelatihanity
- Method of permit extension for additional period
- Work completion checkpoints
- Actions in case of emergency
Major Problems after Work Permit
- Incorrect type of permit issued
- Incorrect information on permit
- Failure to recognise hazards
- Terms of work permit not adhered to
- Failure of safe handover post operations
- Permit issued by unauthorised staff
- Poor monitoring and management of work permit systems
Advantages of Work Permit Systems
- Risk id_pelatihanentification
- Job authorisation
- Work area and trained personnel id_pelatihanentification
- Job duration specification
- Personnel protection
- Safe work closure
Limitations of Work Permit Systems
- Poor hazard id_pelatihanentification when permits to be approved in bulk
- Production targets prioritised over safety and safety measures
- Delay in job because of safety manager absence or improper equipment
- Untrained personnel issuing permits
- Record keeping and maintenance
- Certificate,
- Quality Training Kit (Pencil case: Erase, Bolpoint, Pencil, Tipe X, Stabillo, Flash Disk 8
- Bag (Public Training)
- Training Material (Hand Out & Soft Copy)
- Convenient training facilities in stars hotel (Public Training)
- Lunch 1 and Coffee Break 2 / Day (Public Training)
- Souvenir
- Gratis antar Jemput dari Bandara/Stasiun ( Khusus Yogyakarta )
Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Cirebon, Solo, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang, Bali, Lombok, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Makassar, Medan, Palembang, Lampung, Timor Leste, Thailand, Singapore , Kuala Lumpur. (dengan harga dan minimal kuota yang berbeda)
- Group Discussions
- Group & Individ_pelatihanual Exercises
- Presentations
- Games
- Case Studies
- Role Plays
- Self-Assessment
- Action Plan
Tim Konsultan BMG Training & Development
Course Timings:
Daily Course Timings:
- 08:00 - 08:20 Registrasi dan Pembukaan
- 08:30 - 10:00 Sesi Pertama
- 10:00 - 10:20 Coffee / Tea / Snacks
- 10:20 - 12:00 Sesi Kedua
- 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break & Prayer Break
- 13:00 - 15:00 Sesi ketiga
- 15:00 - 15:20 Coffee / Tea / Snacks & Prayer Break
- 15:00 - 16:30 Sesi Terakhir
Permintaan Brosur penawaran Training ( Harga, Waktu dan Tempat) silahkan Menghubungi kami.
Catatan :
Pelatihan ini dapat di-customized sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan Anda bila diselenggarakan dalam bentuk In-House Training. Untuk permintaan In-House Training dengan jenis topik lainya, silahkan mengirimkan ke alamat email yang tercantum di web kami.
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Info Jadwal training 2019 , Jadwal training 2019 , Informasi Jadwal training 2019 , Jadwal training 2020 , Jadwal training 2021 , Jadwal training 2022, Info Jadwal training 2019 2020, Jadwal training 2019 2020 , Informasi Jadwal training 2019 2020 , Jadwal training 2020 2021 , Jadwal training 2021 2022 , Jadwal training 2022 2023