Training Optimizing Maintenance Strategy and Practice

Training Course Description

Implementing an effective maintenance strategy is an integral component of any successful industrial endeavor.  The plethora of equipment and failure-prone components in today’s industrial plants make it imperative to develop a suitable maintenance plan that would prolong equipment life and improve its reliability at the lowest cost burden. However, such necessitates a fundamental understanding of the nature of failure and its manifestations in modern equipment.  Statistical analysis of past failures, and a prognostic tool such as FMEA, are immensely helpful in mapping out failure patterns and future scenarios and consequently, how to deal with them.  Along with the continuous advances in the field of maintenance, reactive maintenance methods are gradually being supplanted by proactive methods, including preventive (PM) and predictive maintenance (PdM), which if applied prudently can substantially enhance the maintenance system.

Training Course Objectives

  • Gaining a better understanding of equipment failure and the most common patterns
  • Practicing developing FMEAs for relevant equipment and/or processes
  • Provid_pelatihaning insight into the process of transitioning from reactive to proactive maintenance
  • Learning about the various predictive maintenance technologies and the respective equipment
  • Elaborating upon the significance of the P-F interval, its relation to certain PdM methods
  • Exploring the benefits and capabilities of CMMS
  • Developing participants’ appreciation of RCM, its potential for improving overall reliability

Who Should Attend?

  • Maintenance managers and supervisors
  • Operations managers and supervisors
  • ME & I maintenance personnel
  • Maintenance planners
  • CMMS administrators

Training Course Details/Schedule

  • The nature of failure
  • Failure patterns and curves
  • Weibull analysis and failure distribution models
  • Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
  • Failure consequences and their types
  • Performing FMEA – practical exercise
  • Maintenance strategies and types
  • Reactive vs. proactive maintenance
  • Preventive (PM) and predictive maintenance (PdM)
  • Predictive maintenance methods
  • The P-F interval and PdM tasks
  • PdM implementation matrix
  • CMMS benefits and asset management
  • Asset hierarchy and inventory control
  • Work orders and backlog maintenance
  • Developing a maintenance plan
  • Planning and scheduling maintenance
  • KPIs and Reporting
  • Maintenance effectiveness and efficiency
  • Maintenance economy
  • Spare parts management
  • Criticality assessment of spare parts
  • Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM)
  • Optimizing maintenance through RCM
  • RCM integral questions and characteristics
  • What to expect from an RCM strategy
  • Relating RCM and FMEA
  • RCM case studies
================================================================================ General Notes All our courses can be facilitated as Customized In-House Training course. Course duration is flexible and the contents can be modified to fit any number of days. As for Open Enrolment Courses, we offer our clients the flexibility to chose the location, date, and time and our team of experts who are spread around the globe will assist in facilitating the course. The course fee includes facilitation, training materials, 2 coffee breaks, buffet lunch and a Certificate of successful completion of Training. FREE Consultation and Coaching provid_pelatihaned during and after the course. VENUE Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Cirebon, Solo, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang, Bali, Lombok, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Makassar, Medan, Palembang, Lampung, serta Timor Leste, Thailand, Singapore, dan Kuala Lumpur (dengan harga dan minimal kuota yang berbeda). Permintaan Brosur penawaran Training Pelatihan ( Harga, Waktu dan Tempat) silahkan Menghubungi kami.