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Training Project Planning - Project management plays a very critical role in determining the success of a project and the growth of an organisation. Consid_pelatihanering this importance, the entire life cycle of a project is closely looked upon and managed, with each step being calculated and decid_pelatihaned in advance. Risks are also predicted and addressed in time to minimise or completely eliminate negative impact on the project outcome and timeline. What is project planning and control, then? How different are these from project management? So to say, project planning and control are two critical steps of project management, but not the only. Project planning includes a set of pre-decid_pelatihaned methods, processes and measures undertaken by a project team to help meet the objectives of the project, while offering adequate attention to all aspects through the project life cycle. It brings together scope, time, cost and other associated aspects of the project cycle. On the other hand, the control phase involves overseeing all tasks, metrics, and measures to ensure that the project is on track to meet project objectives, within time and budget. It also controls the occurrence and treatment of risks that could hamper project progress. The control phase is a continuous, repetitive process through a project life cycle. Project controls include the right tools, processes, and people skills to collect the right information at the right time to make the right decisions.
Course Objectives
The main objective of this course is to empower professionals with—
Project Planning Phases
Key Tasks Under Project Control
Key Elements of a Project Plan
Project Planning Benefits
Key Qualities for Project Control
Project Control Situations
Project Planning and Control Techniques
Project Planning and Control Challenges
Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Cirebon, Solo, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang, Bali, Lombok, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Makassar, Medan, Palembang, Lampung, Timor Leste, Thailand, Singapore , Kuala Lumpur. (dengan harga dan minimal kuota yang berbeda)
Tim Konsultan BMG Training & Development
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Info Jadwal training 2019 , Jadwal training 2019 , Informasi Jadwal training 2019 , Jadwal training 2020 , Jadwal training 2021 , Jadwal training 2022, Info Jadwal training 2019 2020, Jadwal training 2019 2020 , Informasi Jadwal training 2019 2020 , Jadwal training 2020 2021 , Jadwal training 2021 2022 , Jadwal training 2022 2023